
Sussex County Golf Ltd

East Sussex National Seaford Golf Club Bognor Golf Club Cooden Beach Golf Club Cowdray Park Golf Club Dale Hill Dyke Golf Club Hill Barn Golf Club Horsham Golf Club Mid Sussex Golf Club Piltdown Golf Club Rustington Golf Club Sedlescome Golf Club Singing Hills West Hove Golf Club Willingdon Golf Club Worthing Golf Club Highwoods Golf Club

2025 Wellesley Scratch Knockout

Please read the conditions below and complete the form to enter.

The Competition:

Sussex County General Conditions apply in this Event.
Teams of eight players.
Foursomes A.M. and Singles P.M.
The same team MUST be played A.M. and P.M. except in case of illness or injury when, by agreement between the two Team Captains, a substitute may play P.M.
Any match played out of handicap index order will be declared void.

Start Times and the Draw:

Morning Play shall commence in all matches at 08:30 hours unless by MUTUAL agreement an alternative start time is arranged before the day of play.
The Result shall be declared on the number of matches won or lost.
In the event of a TIE, up to and including the Quarter-Final stages, the match will be awarded to the away team.
If a TIE occurs in the Semi-Final or the Final, it will be decided by one player from each side being nominated for sudden death.
The first four rounds shall be drawn at a date and time chosen by Sussex County Golf.
All matches shall be played on the Saturday of the weekend allocated in the County Fixture list.
The Quarter Finals and Semi-Finals will be played on a neutral course.
The Final will be played on a neutral course. One of the losing Clubs in the earlier rounds will normally be requested to host the Final.
In the event that a Club may be requested to host a Quarter-Final, Semi Final or the Final, Club Secretaries must ensure that the dates notified in advance for the Quarter-Final, Semi-Finals and Final are kept open in their Fixture Lists. It is a Condition of Entry that a Club asked to host any round will do so.
County Officials will be delegated to attend the Final for the purposes of adjudication if required. Officials will NOT be supplied for prior rounds.
The home club will give the first tee honour to their opponents. In the Quarter-Finals, semi-finals and finals, the Captains of the teams will toss for the honour.


Clubs must be registered on the WHS Platform and all players must have a WHS Handicap Index to be eligible to enter and play in this competition. Any team in breach of this will be disqualified.
The Championship is a Match-play Team Event played off Scratch.
Teams to consist of EIGHT players who are members of the Club.
Teams may be changed for each round, if desired, but no player may represent more than one Club in any one year.

Other Matters:

Should play be suspended for reasons of unplayable conditions, Saturday play should be recommenced on the Sunday wherever possible. In these circumstances, the Home Club Committee responsible for competitions shall act as the authorised representative of the County. Should Sunday play not be at all possible, recommencement of play MUST be arranged for the following weekend.
Catering: The costs of catering shall be shared by both teams for all ties, home and away, up to and including the quarter-finals, unless other arrangements are made by mutual agreement of both Clubs before the day of the match.

The Plate Competitions:

All clubs losing in the first and second rounds of the tournament will automatically be entered into the Plate Competition, which will run in parallel with the main tournament.
It is a condition of entry that clubs entering also enter the Plate if they lose in the first or second rounds.
Any club not willing to play in the Plate competition should not enter the tournament.

General Sussex County Golf Knockout Conditions:

As contemplated by Rule 24.4 of the Rules of Golf, each team may appoint one specified person as an advice giver. The advice giver is the only person permitted to give advice to players. If the advice giver is also playing in the competition, they MUST NOT give advice as the nominated advice giver until they have finished playing. The penalty for breach of Rule 24.4 is the General Penalty.
Teams may be changed for each round, but no player may represent more than one Club in any one year.
Players and caddies will walk at all times. Transportation Policy ( applies.
Clubs that have more than one course must use the main course for each match.
Matches, including the Final, are to be played on the dates stipulated by the County (all dates can be found on the County website). The time of the match is flexible and should be decided between the two Clubs. If a Club finds that it is unable to host the match on the stipulated date, then the Home advantage will be conceded to the opposing team.

Practice rounds:
It is a condition of entry that the HOME club will allow a courtesy practice round from the designated match tees to the visiting team. Arrangements for the practice rounds MUST be made in advance by the visiting team captain, and the Home Club is requested to allow practice as convenient as possible to the visitors. The maximum number of players for a practice round is the anticipated match team plus 2 reserves.

Course Condition:
Club Secretaries are requested to give reasonable consideration to course conditions and to state, with reasonable notice, whether their course is in fit playing condition. If the course is unplayable or using any temporary greens for any reason, the tie must be rescheduled.
Play must be from the tees selected on the entry form as communicated to all match managers at the start of the knockout.
The first and second round will be drawn together. A new draw will take place for each round after that.
Order of play will be decided by the team captains no later than 45 minutes before commencement of play.
The Team Captain of the winning Club in each match is responsible for ensuring that the full and correct results are communicated to the County Office ( immediately after the match and followed up with a completed Match Sheet, which should be sent to the County Office no later than 24 hours after the match is completed. If results are not received by 6pm on the day after the match, the team may lose any home advantage in the next round. Match sheets can be printed from the County website.

Entry Form

We cannot attend
1 person
2 people

Please invoice the club on the club email above
I will arrange a BACS payment and do not require an invoice

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