
Sussex County Golf Ltd

East Sussex National Seaford Golf Club Bognor Golf Club Cooden Beach Golf Club Cowdray Park Golf Club Dale Hill Dyke Golf Club Hill Barn Golf Club Horsham Golf Club Mid Sussex Golf Club Piltdown Golf Club Rustington Golf Club Sedlescome Golf Club Singing Hills West Hove Golf Club Willingdon Golf Club Worthing Golf Club Highwoods Golf Club

Sussex Junior Stableford League 2025

The Sussex Junior Stableford League was created with one league, and as club participation has grown, we now have five leagues. This is a true testament to clubs' hard work in growing junior golf.

Each club in Sussex has an opportunity at the start of the season to enter a team of players to compete against each club in their league. Each club in the league will host a match day.

The links below are resources for the hosting clubs. If you could fill out a result sheet and send it to, Eve will update the league tables accordingly.

The team that finishes first in each league will compete for the Jack Langmead Trophy on Sunday, 19th October (venue TBC). The teams that finish second in their leagues will compete for the Plate alongside the Jack Langmead Trophy match.

Click here for league Rules

Click here for Clubs Results Sheet

East Sussex League Leaderboard 

Club r1 r2 r3 r4 total
Cooden Beach

Royal Eastbourne


East Brighton

West Sussex League Leaderboard 

club r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 total
West Sussex (Match date 9th April)

Ham Manor (Match date 23rd July)

Golf at Goodwood (Match date 27th May)

Cowdray (Match date 20th August)

South Sussex League Leaderboard  

club r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 Total
Worthing (Match date 21st August)

Dyke (Match date 21st September)

West Hove

Brighton and Hove

Singing Hills 

North Sussex League Leaderboard  

club r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 total
Chartham Park





Central Sussex League Leaderboard 

club r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 total
Piltdown (Match Date 29th May)

Royal Ashdown

Dale Hill

Haywards Heath


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